Resources for Geography teachers
There are hundreds of Geography TV and radio clips from the BBC available for free on our Video Streaming Platform, carefully linked to the curriculum to make it even easier to find what you need.
Curriculum-aligned playlists
To help you find the most relevant resources we’ve organised our best clips into playlists, aligned to the National Curriculum for Geography. Our playlist collection explores a range of themes and covers Human and Physical Geography topics, Place and Locational knowledge, and Geographical skills.
Climate change resources
ERA have teamed up with a number of fantastic organisations to curate a collection of video resources on climate change. Young Climate Warriors have put together a climate change video playlist for primary school students, whilst the Fairtrade Foundation, Inter Climate Network and National Association for Environmental Education worked on curating a set of video playlists for secondary students exploring the causes, impacts and solutions of climate change.
To start browsing our extensive collection of video resources for Geography teachers, visit the Geography homepage.
ERA’s educational resources are free at the point of use for registered users and are available to institutions holding an ERA Licence. Check whether your educational establishment is already covered by an ERA Licence.
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