Play 800 programmes from the BBC’s archive of literary adaptations, performances and critiques. Click here for an A-Z list of featured authors.
"Daphne Du Maurier" (4 results)
First of four of this adaptation of the famous story by Daphne Du Maurier. Monte Carlo is a lonely, frightening place to the shy orphan girl (Joanna David) un...
Actress Alex Kingston reads an abridged version of Daphne du Maurier's masterful tale of romance and suspense.
A young woman is haunted by the presence of her husband's first wife, the charming and charismatic Rebecca. Abridged in ten parts by Sally Marmion and read by...
With and Arriving at Manderley, the young Mrs de Winter finds the beautiful house and its occupants haunted by memories of Rebecca, her new husband's first wife.
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