Play 800 programmes from the BBC’s archive of literary adaptations, performances and critiques. Click here for an A-Z list of featured authors.
"Richard Yates" (5 results)
Play by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with Jeremy Brett, Pauline, Collins, Edward Fox, Bernard Lee, Arthur Lowe, Bridget Armstrong, J...
First published in 1861, George Eliot's novel dramatised for radio by Richard Cameron, directed by Pauline Harris and starring George Costigan as Silas M...
Tracey Childs plays 16-yr- old Marianne, with her passionate hunger for emotional experience and Irene Richard plays her sister Elinor, outwardl...
Play by Oscar Wilde starring Coral Browne, Michael Jaystone, Julian Holloway, Gemma Jones, Celia Bannerman, Lally ...
Edmund cheats to win a competition to be named Official War Artist, thinking it's his ticket out of the trenches. So he's furious when his reward turns...
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