Do you currently hold an ERA Licence?

  • Most educational establishments in the UK are already covered by an ERA Licence.
  • This may be by an individual licence or as part of a licence agreement.
  • All licences are renewable annually.
  • You can find out how your establishment is covered by the ERA Licence by clicking on the sector headings below.
  • If you are in any doubt, please contact us.
State Schools (school licences run from 1 April to 31 March each year)
in England
in Wales
in Scotland
in Northern Ireland
in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
Independent schools (school licences run from 1 April to 31 March each year)
in England and Wales
in Scotland

Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges (Licences run from 1 August - 31 July each year)

FECs are licensed individually based on published data. Colleges are written to each year informing them of the licence renewal arrangements. To check your college’s licence status, email

Higher Education Colleges and Universities (Licences run from 1 August – 31 July each year)

All licensed individually and directly. Fees are based on published data. Institutions are written to each year informing them of the licence renewal arrangements. To check your institution’s licence status, email

Language Schools (Licences run from 1 August – 31 July each year)

All licensed individually and directly. Schools are invited to renew each July. To check your school’s status, contact ERA

Private Colleges and other institutions (Licences run from 1 August – 31 July each year)

There are some institutions that do not fit into any of the other categories. These cover a wide range of different purposes and include private colleges, Police Training Colleges and Military Training Colleges. Please contact ERA to find out if your institution has a licence.

The ERA Licence supports both the educational and creative sectors.